
Sometimes we forget that natural minerals also hold their own vibrations and energy, so we overlook them as aids to our well-being. Gold is one of these minerals that often gets overlooked, but it is a powerful healer.  Here's some information about the healing properties of one of our favorite accessories.

Gold symbolizes the purity of the spiritual aspect of "All That Is". It symbolizes purity and the quest toward knowing.  It allows you to attain and maintain communion with the source of all being. Gold helps you to improve your character through learning and lessens the trauma associated with situations experienced during the gaining of knowledge. It assists you in activating, using, and becoming the intrinsic potential of your self. The energy of gold can be used to balance your energy fields and to assist you in eliminating ego conflicts or feelings of futility. It can also help to assuage the overburden of responsibility, to combat feelings of depression and inferiority, to allow you to understand and to dispense self-reproach, and to calm excitation and states of anger. Gold has been used in the development, purification, and balancing of the heart chakra and for the amplification of thought-forms. The purity of gold is said to help one to preserve higher thought forms for later retrieval. Gold has also been used to open and to activate the third-eye and crown chakras. It has been said to attract honor, wealth, and happiness; to provide composure, to stabilize the emotional system, to alleviate tension and stress, and to amplify positive feelings. It also assists in attuning to nature and its healing forces. It can clear negativity from the chakras and the energy fields of the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual bodies, while transferring the vitality of any companion mineral to the affected area.

Wow, right?  Now, go charge up that gold band and feel the healing power of gold.

Prayer/Meditation for Gold

With every breath, I can feel love within me. I can feel those parts that are in doubt and fear coming home to love again. This unification of love reminds me that I am love, I am trust, I am abundance, and I am grace. I let this feeling of love and trust surround and support me. Love and trust are my guideposts on today's journey, and, with great relief, I hand over control to the Divine and relax in gratitude.

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