Lionskin Stone

Lionskin Stone is a combination of Quartz and Tiger Eye. Tiger Eye is helpful for those seeking clarity. It can be used to enhance psychic abilities and can assist in the gentle attunement of the Third Eye. Tiger Eye often gives off a very earthy energy and as such, is often chosen by "earthy" people. Tiger Eye balances yin-yang energies. It can be used to stimulate wealth and maintain wealth. Tiger Eye produces soothing vibrations, generating calmness. Quartz is a stone of amplification - which makes Lionskin a very powerful stone.

Prayer/Meditation for Lionskin Stone

Hear me Goddess, lend me your ear.  Guide me through this troubled time.  Help me release all my fear.  Grant me clarity of mind.  Hear me God, ancient and wise.  Share with me the gift of sages.  Let me see with clearer eyes the search of all ages.  Guardian of each direction, North, South, East and West, hear me and lend thy protection. Aid me in my quest. I ask for guidance and lucidity. If it harms none, then let it be.

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