Yellow Jasper is the perfect stone for Spring. If you're like me, you're ready for sunshine and bright colors. Yellow Jasper certainly fits the bright color category, but it's more than just a pretty face (or stone). Here is what you need to know about this beautiful stone.
It provides inner strength and mental clarity due to its slow, stabilizing energy. It holds a deep connection to the Earth and is a marvelous aid for grounding. Yellow Jasper can provide insight in spiritual work, mind travel, or deep meditations. Yellow Jasper stimulates the Solar Plexus Chakra and amplifies self-confidence and courage, bringing energy and enthusiasm to one’s life and relationships. Its energies are particularly effective in revealing false people and for deflecting jealousy or spite. [Lembo, 198][Eason, 97][Hall, 157] Yellow Jasper can be used to heal old wounds.
Prayer/Meditation for Yellow Jasper
I am strong. I have been through a lot in my life, and I am still standing. I have self-worth. It took a lot of soul searching to finally see this for myself. I am not perfect. I don’t need anyone to tell me. I know my own glow. I am beautiful. Nobody’s perfect, but I know my limits and my strengths. I am just myself. I will never be alone. I will always be here for me!
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