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Yellow Jasper

Yellow Jasper is the perfect stone for Spring.  If you're like me, you're ready for sunshine and bright colors.  Yellow Jasper certainly fits the bright color category, but it's more than just a pretty face (or stone).  Here is what you need to know about this beautiful stone. It provides inner strength and mental clarity due to its slow, stabilizing energy. It holds a deep connection to the Earth and is a marvelous aid for grounding.  Yellow Jasper can provide insight in spiritual work, mind travel, or deep meditations.  Yellow Jasper stimulates the Solar Plexus Chakra and amplifies self-confidence and courage, bringing energy and enthusiasm to one’s life and relationships. Its energies are particularly effective in revealing false people and...

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White Agate

This month's stone is White Agate.  White Agate is the ultimate pregnancy stone.  It helps to protect mother and baby from harm, soothes labour pains, eases morning sickness, and ensures a healthy milk flow for the baby. Prayer/Meditation for White Agate Blessed be your breath. May your breathing be deep and relaxed. May you breathe in power with every breath you take. Blessed be the fire inside you. May your will be unbroken, and may it be as strong as fire and as supple. May your will be as strong as water and as supple. May your passions burn truly and free. Blessed be your fire. May it burn strong. Blessed be the water of your life. May your blood...

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Unakite is not only a crystal of the heart but of the mind as well.  It vibrates with the frequency of compassion, kindness, and love.  It is a stone that helps to balance the emotional body. Unakite  is a form of Jasper which aids in building strong, harmonious relationships. Its pink and green hues make it fun to wear, but more than that, it balances all of the aspects of the heart, lifting your spirits, and gently releasing deep-seated emotions. It promotes patience and persistence, and helps you to get rid of  bad habits. It is a great stone to give to your little ones since it is helps them through sorrow, grief, or disappointment. Unakite supports anyone who feels a little lost, overwhelmed, or has...

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Turquoise is one of the most popular stones in the world of jewelry making  . . . mostly because it's in easy to come by and fairly inexpensive . . . but did you know it's revered for its protective properties?   Turquoise is credited with the property of securing friendly regard. If you wear Turquoise, you will never want for a friend. In the many ancient cultures,  Turquoise was worn as a protector against all things evil. When Turquoise is given by a loving hand, it brings with it happiness and good fortune. It is believed to restore clear vision to the mind when thinking becomes muddled. It protects its wearer from injury, and enhances your natural intuition.  Now, you...

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Tourmaline is a very straightforward stone, so I will give you a straightforward description of its properties.  Tourmaline is a stone of courage.  Put one in your child's room when he is scared to go to bed by himself.  Use Tourmaline for inspiration.  It is a great stone for artists, musicians, and writers.  It is also an awesome stone for love.  Add it to the decor in your home to enhance your family's familial love.  Prayer/Meditation for Tourmaline Bind the fear and pain that has taken hold of me. Restore my heart, courage, and determination so that I may swim through the grief and seas of uncertainty, heading toward the golden island of tomorrow where healing waters will restore my...

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