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Silly Is As Silly Does

Why is it that when we become adults we think we can't be silly?  I have been guilty of taking life too seriously.  Luckily, my grandson keeps me in check and reminds me that silliness is not something to be embarrassed about.  In fact, playing is as necessary as breathing.  So, when Kayden asked me for a date night, I put my thinking cap on and came up with an idea that would allow us to be silly while allowing us to work on motor skills and creativity.  For this week's date night, we made silly fluff.  Silly fluff is super messy, so it forces us to let go of our desire for orderliness and let loose.  The good news...

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Sharing is Caring

So many people fear sharing their creativity for fear of judgement or competition.  However, when we share our art with others, it just multiplies the beauty in the world.  I love sharing creative adventures with my grandson.  Bringing art to children not only helps them to see the world in new ways, it actually creates opportunities to develop problem solving skills, hand eye coordination, and to express emotions.  This week, Kayden and I created bubbly colors.  If you want to add a little creative play to your week, here are the instructions. Bubbly Colors 1) Fill a baking sheet with baking soda. 2) Fill small cups with vinegar.  In each cup, add a different color or food coloring.   3)...

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I absolutely love wine!  Who doesn't, right?  I've been collecting wine corks for about 5 years now.  Why?  Well, I just knew that someday I would find a great use for them.  And I have!  My wine cork key chains are so much fun to make and can be personalized to represent just about anyone's personality.  They're pretty darn sturdy too!  I use the pink ribbon key chain that I made for myself.  It was my first handmade cork key chain.  I have been using it to hold my keys for over a year now.  Pretty cool, huh?  If you have a favorite winery and would like me to personalize a key chain for you, message me.  I'll make you...

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