When we think of Jade, we usually think of the traditional green stone, but Jade comes in a rainbow of colors. This month, I'm going to share the healing properties of Red Jade. Red Jade is known as the chi stone, because it carries the energy of a warrior. It is an awesome talisman for will and power. It eliminates fear, doubt, and worry and helps you to rid yourself of whatever is holding you back or keeping you from achieving your dreams. Red Jade motivates you to take action. It is also a stone of luck which carries the energies of prosperity and abundance. Like many red stones, Red Jade is a stone of passion. It resonates with romantic...
Puka shells may seem very 80s, but the are absolutely timeless. Worn as a bracelet, an anklet, or the infamous 80s choker, puka shells are an awesome way to stimulate your intuition. In addition, puka shells are great for increasing your sensitivity and imagination. Just like their origin, the sea, puka shells enhance our adaptability. They help to enhance mental clarity and provide incite into decision making. With all of these amazing properties, there's no way that puka shells can be a thing of the past. Prayer/Meditation for Puka Shells I give thanks for all you do, for obstacles and smooth roads too -- for challenges that make me grow and all the pleasant things that show that you are looking...
Jasper is sustains and supports us through times of stress and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang. It encourages honesty with yourself. Pink Jasper provides courage to assertively tackle problems, and it aids quick-thinking and organisational abilities. Jasper stimulates the imagination and transforms ideas into action. It prolongs sexual pleasure. It supports its wearer during prolonged illness and re-energizes the body. The pink Jasper stone has powerful, metamorphic energy, as the stone of empowerment. It has withstood many changes of pressure and heat from Mother Earth and is symbolic of the courage to overcome any form of abuse on the path of recovery. It is highly powerful in spiritual guidance....
Feldspar is a stone of creativity. It helps with finding unusual or new ways to achieve goals by stimulating creative thinking. Feldspar increases your self-respect, self-esteem, and self-awareness.
Prayer/Meditation for Feldspar
At the new moon, my spirit is renewed. I celebrate beginnings and set new goals. My creativity surges now as the Muse moves my hand in new directions. I am reborn, and as the moon waxes, I charge all work begun tonight with love and focused intention. Under the new moon, I welcome transformation. I welcome growth. I welcome abundance. I know what I need.
Orange Calcite is often used in spiritual pursuits. It is helpful in speeding up spiritual development. It also increases motivation and aids in channeling. Orange Calcite promotes resiliency, removes mental fuzz, and promotes focus. It stimulates memory and increases vitality.
Prayer/Meditation for Orange Calcite
I pray by the moon that I always allow myself to fully express who I truly am.