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Bumblebee Jasper

One stone that I'm fascinated with but that I don't actually own is Bumblebee Jasper.  It is such a lovely stone.  It makes me happy to just look at it.  Actually, the healing properties of this stone align with its aesthetic beauty. Bumblebee Jasper gets rid of all those nasty energetic blocks that hold us back. It reveals our life-purpose and helps us to find the path leading to our best life. It is a stone of self-love, aiding us in embracing both our light and shadow selves. Bumblebee Jasper enhances spiritual abundance.  It helps us to see the silver lining in life's challenges.  Bumblebee Jasper encourages us to enjoy our life to surround ourselves with the things that bring us happiness. It enhances...

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Blue Topaz

Blue Topaz increases your ability to communicate in meaningful ways in both speaking and writing. It is a great stone for public speakers. Blue Topaz helps you to  concentrate on the task at hand. It helps with career decisions  and has a vibration that allows you to make clearer and more specific decisions about the direction you wish to take your life. It assists in explaining your life path with others as it helps you to clearly express your hopes and wishes. It will help you to speak clearly and to communicate what comes through from spirit in a manner that others can clearly understand. Prayer/Meditation for Blue Topaz May my heart be gentle, my mind still and open, my spirit unshackled, my awareness keen,...

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Blue Aragonite

Blue Aragonite is comforting and imparts a joyful vibration. This lovely blue stone allows you to embrace what happened in the past while recognizing that the past is over. Because it allows you to see the beauty that life offers, you can live more easily in the present.  It enhances its wearer's ability to communicate. It helps you to empathize with others and to become more compassionate.  Blue Aragonite is a great stress reliever and aids in emotional healing. As a stone of communicate, it helps you to communicate with your spirit guides in an accurate and detailed fashion.  Because of its stress relieving properties, it allows these communications with spirit to be calm and relaxed.  In fact, it helps you to...

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Blue Agate

The color blue symbolizes truth, loyalty, and reliability.  In addition, blue is associated with poise and serenity.  It stands to reason that Blue Agate can be used for calm, stability, and balance. It is a great neutralizer of negative energies and conductor of positive energy. Blue Agate is an awesome stone for relieving stress, anxiety, and depression. Because of its calming vibrations, it gives a sense of peace and joy. Blue Agate aids in communication and concentration. It also helps to reduce anger. Due to its communicative properties, it helps to strengthen relationships.  Likewise, its tendency to help with concentration allows the possessor of Blue Agate to think carefully before making big decisions. Its calming properties motivate you to keep going in tough situations. It...

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Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is an extremely powerful stone for those who want a constant cloak of protection. Potent, silky black, and with strong grounding energy, this jet colored stone is known for removing negative energies. It helps the wearer get rid of dark feelings, turning anxiety into positivity. Black Tourmaline is y connected to the base chakras, helping you to feel safe and secure. Use Black Tourmaline for the confidence to embrace who you are, speak your truth, and to search for your own path to healing.  Black Tourmaline is a premier stone for keeping bad energy away.  Prayer/Meditation for Black Tourmaline Give me protection from the outside world. Let whatever people say about me not hurt. Let whatever I fear not bother me. Let all...

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