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I've told you about different types of Calcite in the past, but I haven't done a post on the overall benefits of the stone. Calcite is known for its centering abilities and its aura of positivity. Calcite comes in a variety of colors and is known for its energy-amplifying properties.  Across cultures, it symbolizes strength and energy, especially in regard to the spirit. Calcite is seen as a stone that prepares its wearer for higher spiritual connection, which makes it a great meditation stone.  This stone radiates positivity while protecting its wearer from negativity.  It can also help us to have stronger mental clarity and emotional intelligence. Prayer/Meditation for Calcite Each morning I sing the sun awake. Each night I greet the moon's soft light....

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Yellow Calcite

Normally, we think of calcite as a chalky white stone, but it comes in many colors, including a sunny yellow.  Yellow Calcite soothes anxiousness and brings balance to your emotions.  It promotes optimism and hope and enhances self-confidence and self-worth.  One of the things that I love about Yellow Calcite is that it instills a deep sense of calm in its wearer.  In addition, it clears out old energy patterns and increases personal motivation and drive.  Yellow Calcite lifts your mood.  It's a happy little stone. Prayer/Meditation for Yellow Calcite I cleanse away all my negative energy and thoughts. I fill myself with love and positive energy.

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Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite is often used in spiritual pursuits.  It is helpful in speeding up spiritual development. It also increases motivation and aids in channeling. Orange Calcite promotes resiliency, removes mental fuzz, and promotes focus. It stimulates memory and increases vitality. Prayer/Meditation for Orange Calcite I pray by the moon that I always allow myself to fully express who I truly am.

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