Bumblebee Jasper

One stone that I'm fascinated with but that I don't actually own is Bumblebee Jasper.  It is such a lovely stone.  It makes me happy to just look at it.  Actually, the healing properties of this stone align with its aesthetic beauty.

Bumblebee Jasper gets rid of all those nasty energetic blocks that hold us back. It reveals our life-purpose and helps us to find the path leading to our best life. It is a stone of self-love, aiding us in embracing both our light and shadow selves. Bumblebee Jasper enhances spiritual abundance.  It helps us to see the silver lining in life's challenges.  Bumblebee Jasper encourages us to enjoy our life to surround ourselves with the things that bring us happiness. It enhances our self-confident. It helps us stop paying attention to how other people view us and to concentrate on being our best selves. Isn't it just a lovely stone?


I seek strength and guidance. Help me to see the unique qualities and talents that have been given to me.  When I feel weak and vulnerable, remind me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. May I have the strength to overcome any obstacles in my path and the confidence to face each day with a positive mindset. 

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