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Bumblebee Jasper

One stone that I'm fascinated with but that I don't actually own is Bumblebee Jasper.  It is such a lovely stone.  It makes me happy to just look at it.  Actually, the healing properties of this stone align with its aesthetic beauty. Bumblebee Jasper gets rid of all those nasty energetic blocks that hold us back. It reveals our life-purpose and helps us to find the path leading to our best life. It is a stone of self-love, aiding us in embracing both our light and shadow selves. Bumblebee Jasper enhances spiritual abundance.  It helps us to see the silver lining in life's challenges.  Bumblebee Jasper encourages us to enjoy our life to surround ourselves with the things that bring us happiness. It enhances...

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Many people ignore Bronzite because it is so plain when not polished.  When it is polished, it's so lovely, though.  It has a dark charcoal color with flakes of gold.  It is also a very prolific stone and can be found almost anywhere in the world. Bronzite serves as a catalyst for change but can also be used for grounding. It clears the mind and helps to create certainty. Bronzite is sometimes called the "stone of courtesy" since it can instill politeness. Some wear Bronzite to alleviate nervous energy especially when we are nervous about being in a new situation. It is also helpful for boosting self-esteem, promoting decision making, dispelling negativity, and enhancing creativity.  Prayer/Meditation for Bronzite Lord of Change,...

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Milky Quartz

Milky Quartz is an emotional stress relieving stone. It reduces negative energies and stress and for mothers, it helps in countering the issues following breastfeeding. Milky Quartz is a great stone for increasing self-confidence and for enhancing public speaking skills. Milky Quartz  boosts knowledge and listening abilities. Its properties amplify wisdom and sharpen the mind. It is a great stone for actors as it helps you to memorize things quickly. Milky Quartz helps with aligning Chakras and is a great meditation stone. Milky Quartz hsa the added benefit of vibrating with the energy of joy.   Prayer/Meditation for Milky Quartz Great Mother, you who are of me and around me, guide me through this day. Teach me the way through darkness and confusion. Grant to me courage, balance,...

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