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Bumblebee Jasper

One stone that I'm fascinated with but that I don't actually own is Bumblebee Jasper.  It is such a lovely stone.  It makes me happy to just look at it.  Actually, the healing properties of this stone align with its aesthetic beauty. Bumblebee Jasper gets rid of all those nasty energetic blocks that hold us back. It reveals our life-purpose and helps us to find the path leading to our best life. It is a stone of self-love, aiding us in embracing both our light and shadow selves. Bumblebee Jasper enhances spiritual abundance.  It helps us to see the silver lining in life's challenges.  Bumblebee Jasper encourages us to enjoy our life to surround ourselves with the things that bring us happiness. It enhances...

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Yellow Calcite

Normally, we think of calcite as a chalky white stone, but it comes in many colors, including a sunny yellow.  Yellow Calcite soothes anxiousness and brings balance to your emotions.  It promotes optimism and hope and enhances self-confidence and self-worth.  One of the things that I love about Yellow Calcite is that it instills a deep sense of calm in its wearer.  In addition, it clears out old energy patterns and increases personal motivation and drive.  Yellow Calcite lifts your mood.  It's a happy little stone. Prayer/Meditation for Yellow Calcite I cleanse away all my negative energy and thoughts. I fill myself with love and positive energy.

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Andean Opal

 Andean Opals are bring their wearers warmth, happiness, and a lifting of the mood.  They help us to become open and enthusiastic and liberate our feelings.  In addition, they strengthen and support the immuence system.  Doesn't this all sound wonderful?  Plus, they are simply beautiful.  Prayer/Meditation for Andean Opal Let what wants to come, come. Let what wants to go, go. If it is mine, it will stay. If not, whatever is better will replace it.    

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