Many people ignore Bronzite because it is so plain when not polished. When it is polished, it's so lovely, though. It has a dark charcoal color with flakes of gold. It is also a very prolific stone and can be found almost anywhere in the world. Bronzite serves as a catalyst for change but can also be used for grounding. It clears the mind and helps to create certainty. Bronzite is sometimes called the "stone of courtesy" since it can instill politeness. Some wear Bronzite to alleviate nervous energy especially when we are nervous about being in a new situation. It is also helpful for boosting self-esteem, promoting decision making, dispelling negativity, and enhancing creativity. Prayer/Meditation for Bronzite Lord of Change,...
Black Tourmaline is an extremely powerful stone for those who want a constant cloak of protection. Potent, silky black, and with strong grounding energy, this jet colored stone is known for removing negative energies. It helps the wearer get rid of dark feelings, turning anxiety into positivity. Black Tourmaline is y connected to the base chakras, helping you to feel safe and secure. Use Black Tourmaline for the confidence to embrace who you are, speak your truth, and to search for your own path to healing. Black Tourmaline is a premier stone for keeping bad energy away. Prayer/Meditation for Black Tourmaline Give me protection from the outside world. Let whatever people say about me not hurt. Let whatever I fear not bother me. Let all...
Black Pearls are said to bring abundance, luck, and prosperity into your life. They are often used by women around the time of menopause due to their helpfulness with controlling mood swings brought on by hormone imbalances. They are said to be very helpful for children who need help healing from grief or have had a bad experience. Black Pearls are good for women working in business and are said to bring success and prosperity to business endeavours. Prayer/Meditation for Black Pearls I ask you for wealth, not for my own gain but that I may use it to bless others. I petition to increase my means of earning. Help me to bring in more so that this money may be...
Black Quartz is one of the most spiritual stones you can own. It is one of the most powerful spiritual protection and purification stones. This stone enhances any kind of ritualistic work, healing, and meditation. In addition, it amplifies the properties of other crystals. Black Quartz stimulates the immune system and is used by healers to heal nervous system problems. One of the things I love best about Black Quartz is that it increases energy. Black Quartz activates the Third Eye and enhances higher dimensional communication. It's just such a cool stone! Prayer/Meditation for Black Quartz Deep within the still center, may I find peace. Silently, within the quiet of the grove, may I share peace. Gently and powerfully, within the great circle...
Because Snowflake Obsidian is obviously a form of Obsidian, it carries the same healing properties of Obsidian. However, Snowflake Obsidian is special not only because of its unusual color but also because of its additional properties. Snowflake Obsidian is calming and soothing. It teaches you to value mistakes as well as successes. A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian provides balance for body, mind, and spirit. It helps you recognize and release wrong thinking and stressful mental patterns. Snowflake Obsidian promotes dispassion and inner centering. Snowflake Obsidian empowers isolation and loneliness, aiding surrender in meditation. Snowflake Obsidian aids in disorders of the veins and the skeletal structure. It improves circulation and alleviates muscular aches and spasms. It is used to treat...